Wednesday 3 July 2019

Breaking News Kenya

Parts of the body which remain unburnt during cremation process

The human body contains a lot of moisture, as you may have heard, a large percentage of the body is water. When a human body is cremated, the process takes a couple hours. We know this from modern funeral homes that perform cremations. Ovens are used in order to keep the temperature high enough to completely incinerate the body. Even under these circumstances, there are body parts left intact. Funeral homes grind the cremains to make the ashes appear uniform and un-recognizable. Despite the fact that the monk actually burned twice (once during death and then once after) I'm pretty sure neither episode utilized an oven, so it would be expected that some recognizable body parts left (especially if the people conducting the funeral/cremation wanted the heart left intact). Since the heart is located deep within the chest cavity, it would be least likely to burn, especially if the fire was not hot enough or did not burn long enough. The teeth also remain unburnt during the intial stages. Nails are also untouched during intial process. Bones are only reminants of cremation process after 6 hours of burning. Watch video below. By quora

Breaking News Kenya

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