Do Not Marry Any Woman Whois Older Than 25
Do Not Marry Any Woman Who
is Older Than 25
I realized I could never devote myself, as a
faithful husband, to a woman who wasted
the prettiest years of her life before she
met me.
If you meet your wife when she’s older than
around 23 or 24:
You are eating someone else’s cold leftovers,
then doing their dishes.
You are showing up to a party after everyone
has left and cleaning up after them.
You are getting into a taxi and paying the fare
of the person who got out before you.
You are taking the nearly expired milk to the
grocery store counter and offering to pay
double for it.
You are paying the MSRP sticker price for a
used car.
You are letting someone sext with your girl,
then paying his phone bill for him.
Your friend has sex with a prostitute, then
after he enjoys the fruits you pay the bill and
get throw in jail for
You are part of a street fight where a guy gets
a few good punches in, and the opponent
punches YOU for retaliation, not him.
You are paying for someone’s credit card bill
full of reckless spending and partying that you
never got to enjoy.
You are outbidding everyone on an eBay
product by thousands of dollars.
You are trying to unclog somebody else’s
clogged toilet.
You are watching somebody shake a hornets
nest, then getting stung as he runs away
You see someone chug a beer, then drink the
bitter teaspoon of ass beer at the bottom of
the can.
You are letting someone eat all the creme
filling from a box of Oreos, then pay full price
for the bland chocolate wafers.
A girl who refuses to get married young is
offering a raw deal. She is vastly overvaluing
her product, and undervaluing your time and
Marriage only makes sense for a man when a
girl’s prime years of beauty and fertility are
upfront payment for a lifetime of loving
masculine support. Men rationally know this.
Is it any wonder, then, that as females are
delaying marriage longer, they are finding less
willing men?
Youthful arrogance is the yellow brick road to
From http://
is Older Than 25
I realized I could never devote myself, as a
faithful husband, to a woman who wasted
the prettiest years of her life before she
met me.
If you meet your wife when she’s older than
around 23 or 24:
You are eating someone else’s cold leftovers,
then doing their dishes.
You are showing up to a party after everyone
has left and cleaning up after them.
You are getting into a taxi and paying the fare
of the person who got out before you.
You are taking the nearly expired milk to the
grocery store counter and offering to pay
double for it.
You are paying the MSRP sticker price for a
used car.
You are letting someone sext with your girl,
then paying his phone bill for him.
Your friend has sex with a prostitute, then
after he enjoys the fruits you pay the bill and
get throw in jail for
You are part of a street fight where a guy gets
a few good punches in, and the opponent
punches YOU for retaliation, not him.
You are paying for someone’s credit card bill
full of reckless spending and partying that you
never got to enjoy.
You are outbidding everyone on an eBay
product by thousands of dollars.
You are trying to unclog somebody else’s
clogged toilet.
You are watching somebody shake a hornets
nest, then getting stung as he runs away
You see someone chug a beer, then drink the
bitter teaspoon of ass beer at the bottom of
the can.
You are letting someone eat all the creme
filling from a box of Oreos, then pay full price
for the bland chocolate wafers.
A girl who refuses to get married young is
offering a raw deal. She is vastly overvaluing
her product, and undervaluing your time and
Marriage only makes sense for a man when a
girl’s prime years of beauty and fertility are
upfront payment for a lifetime of loving
masculine support. Men rationally know this.
Is it any wonder, then, that as females are
delaying marriage longer, they are finding less
willing men?
Youthful arrogance is the yellow brick road to
From http://