Saturday, 24 May 2014

Arsenal retained list: Nicklas Bendtner released as Arsene Wenger begins shake-up

Real Madrid vs Atlético Madrid: Live Stream and Score Commentary of Champions League Final 2014


currently in a bruising war with the UoN
comrades following alleged remarks that
she would mobilize Radio Africa
management not to ever recruit
graduates from The University of Nairobi
following the ugly scenes that marred
Tuesday's demonstrations where
motorists had their cars stoned and
robbed from.
According to the sparking grapevine,
Mutoko is quoted saying, "UoN students
should be aware that employers are
watching their childish behaviours. I am
speaking to my b0sses and soon, we will
blacklist any UoN student in our
company .” Supposedly the Radio
presenter was caught up in the mess and
her Mercedes Benz car pelted with
However, Caro has come out to refute
the statements saying they are malicious
and creations of bloggers, she goes to
dismiss ever taking such a stand and
states on the fateful day she was not
caught up in the mess neither does she
own the said car in the grapevine, she
however goes to condemn the style of
demos staged.
The grapevine statement alleging that
Mutoko would not allow in UoN graduate
into her employer's radio Africa, sparked
a fierce criticism and was met With
criticism and insults. Some of the
sampled remarks from the online
comrades forum are below;
Isaac Ochieng Wanyanga :
Comrades i will not start my day without
fighting idiot in kiss 100 called MUTUKO
CAROLYNE for threating intellectuals with
job...who told her UoN needs radio
africa?she doesnt know its radio africa
who needs UoN to get news on how
students demostrated peacefully.She
went further and comparing a leopard
and a cat(K.U) not knowing it has never
happen and never will it happen
Vincent Vynnae Osumo:
Caroline Mutoko MUST stop using the
word ' apparently' in every statement she
makes and learn new English
Caroline Mutoko is a strong woman.
She'z a woman and a half. She'z
comparable to no UoN student. She
deserves all the respect in the world as a
woman,single mother,radio personality
and role model
Odoyo Mungah Senior :
This manerless idiotic whore never learn
from her mistakes... She poisoned Mutula
Kilonzo with excessive viagra after some
dark forces offered her money,what a
bitch! Killing a bright lawer.. This
carolyne vituko was and is still dating
one of the Atur brothers.(Atur
margariany)...carolyne vituko is a female
terrorist and Kimaiyo should investigate
her conducts. This vituko tried Snatching
Larry madowa,Larry rejected her
squarely.... This Mutuko was shut down
by Sonko on a phone call interview,Mike
Sonko called her a bitch! She was asking
petty quetions.. This Mutuko thinks that
comrades are not wise,we have a right to
peaceful demostration....those
(policemen) who made peaceful protest
impossible,made violent revolution
inevitable..... What is Radio Africa?? Does
Mutoko know that we have NEW
COMRADES FORUM?? Who wants to listen
to radio africa??? Let her dare blacklist
our bright journalist from being
employed.. Mutoko is a fool,she should
go get married and mind her
business,stepping on comrades toes is
tantumount to committing suicide,aulize
Kaimenyi! She is too minute/micro for
comrades to fight.....we fight with
institutions and not useless individuals
like Carolyn whatever her name is! Last
warning! Next time she opens her mouth
aimlessly,comrades will bay for her
Anyiko James Daktari:
In short, CAROLYNE MUTOKO is a
notorious CITY LESBIAN practitioner.

Maina Njenga’s life in danger as his brother leads Mungiki ‘coup’
The former leader of the banned Mungiki sect
Maina Njenga has gone into hiding following
attempts on his life by disgruntled followers of
the group.
The Nairobian has reliably learnt that Njenga’s
older brother, Peter Kamunya, is leading a
splinter group that is dissatisfied with his
The splinter group was responsible for a deadly
attack on May 4 in Kitengela town in which
Njenga escaped death by a whisker.
Five people were seriously slashed with pangas
in a fight, which sparked a spate of night-long
retaliatory attacks between the supporters of
the two brothers.
The chaos spilled into Monday May 5 morning
with the sect’s adherents battling in the streets
of Kitengela.
At the heart of the rebellion is the control of
Mungiki’s assets — mainly land, whose worth
is believed to be running into millions of

Six bodies in Kitengela secret grave exhumed
NAIROBI, KENYA: Six bodies from mass grave
in Kitengela have so far been retrieved awaiting
examination by government doctors.
The bodies were retrieved from a mass grave
discovered in Kitengela area on Saturday. On
Monday a new grave was spotted few metres
away from the ones reported on Saturday.
Authorities are yet to establish the identities of
the bodies recovered from two mass graves.
According to Chief Government pathologist
Johansen Oduor, the remains had by the time
of discovery decayed extensively that
determining their gender and identities require
DNA testing.
“We have established that the remains found
are of adults but we are yet to establish their
gender and identities, samples have been taken
for analysis so that we can shed more light on
the mystery surrounding the bodies,” said Dr
He added that the nature of the remains
indicated they had been buried for less than
three months prompting police to conclude
that the killings were recent. Kajiado County
Commissioner Laban Kobai pegged the killings
to a fierce battle between rival land brokers
possibly affiliated to the divided outlawed
Mungiki sect.

Maina Njenga denies responsibility in Kitengela killings
NAIROBI, KENYA: Former Mungiki leader
Maina Njenga has denied responsibility for the
Kitengela killings, saying he is not fighting for
land with anybody and no longer controls the
Maina, now a bishop at Hope International
Ministries which has been at the centre of
violent brawls in the past, instead blamed a
man called Thiong’o Kagicha for dragging his
name into the chaos that culminated with the
exhumation of 10 bodies in an abandoned
quarry earlier this week.
“I am not in control of Mungiki. I am only in
control of my destiny which is to go to heaven.
I fractured my fingers while exercising and
didn’t get medical attention for about a week
so it got swollen. Rumours about me being
hacked are, therefore, total nonsense,” said
Njenga in an exclusive interview with The
Nairobian on his sprawling Kitengela farm.
Last week, there were rumours that Maina’s
Kitengela church had been burnt down. But
when The Nairobian contacted police in the
area, they said no such thing had happened
although 10 litres of petrol (in two five-litre
containers) was found near the church;
indicating ill motives of some people to burn
down the church.
Their efforts were however thwarted by the
guards within the church compound. Spate of
killings Thirty minutes after speaking to this
writer, Maina walked into Kajiado County
Commissioner Kobia wa Kamau’s office, where
he was grilled for more than five hours by
Kobia, the county police commandant Titi
Kilonzi and his administration police
“The subject of our meeting today stemmed
from a story published in The Nairobian. We
were concerned whether Mungiki had started
operating in Kitengela. That’s why we
summoned everybody who was mentioned in
the story, as well as direct our officers to start
investigations so that we can know whether the
story in The Nairobian had any basis,” said
The county commissioner also revealed that
the recent spate of killings in Kitengela is based
on squabbles over land owned by East Africa
Portland Cement Company.

Ex-Mungiki leader Maina Njenga shot and wounded along Nyahururu-Nairobi highway
Nyahururu, Kenya: Former Mungiki sect
leader Maina Njenga has been shot along
Nyahururu-Nairobi highway.
Njenga, whose convoy of two vehicles was
sprayed with bullets, is being transferred to
Aga Khan hospital in Nyahururu.
Nyandarua County Commander Hamisi Mabea
has confirmed that five people who were with
Njenga in his vehicle are dead.
Two others who were in a separate vehicle
were critically injured and have been rushed to
Nyahururu District Hospital.
The assailants in small vehicle overtook
Njenga's convoy which was heading to
Nyahururu at Suera and started shooting at
More to follow....
I will support and work withUHURUTO even if it costs memy job - KIDERO now declares
Dr. Evans Kidero has declared support for
President Uhuru Kenyatta and his Deputy,
William Ruto, saying he will work with
them even if it costs him his job as Nairobi
Speaking when he commissioned a foot
bridge at Kiambiu slums in Eastleigh,
Kidero declared support for President
Uhuru Kenyatta’s decision to create
powerful County Commissioners saying
that is the way to go.
Kidero’s stand is contrary to Raila Odinga’s
CORD’s stand and that of fellow Governors
who have condemned Uhuru’s move to
bring back the dictatorial ‘KANU regime’
in the name of powerful County
Commissioners and is likely to cause an
The Nairobi Governor vowed to ignore his
detractors from CORD and those who want
to weigh him down saying he won’t look
back on his decision to support Uhuru/
Ruto’s Government.
This comes barely two weeks after Kidero
lost his seat as vice chair of the Governors’
Council due to his close association with
the Jubilee Government and which has
seen him branded a traitor and Uhuru/
Ruto’s mole in ODM.
Source The Kenyan DAILY POST

10 food every woman should eat for a perfect skin
Red bell peppers are a tasty vegetable
that can be enjoyed either cooked or
raw. One red bell pepper contains more
than 100% of your daily vitamin C
needs . It also contains significant
amounts of dietary fiber and vitamin
B 6 . Moreover, it is rich in carotenoids
that can help prevent wrinkles and
increase blood circulation to your skin ,
helping it look more youthful . Due to
their carotenoids , red bell peppers are
also great to fight acne .
A red bell pepper is a perfect, low
calorie snack that contains about 30
calories and has a really satisfying
crunchy bite . Keep slices of red bell
peppers in the fridge, so you will always
have something healthy and tasty to
reach for when you are having a snack
attack . The fiber that a bell pepper
contains will help you to feel full longer
with very little calories . Plus , you will
have a flawless skin !
This is one of my favorite foods to eat every
day for perfect skin! Dark chocolate is rich in
antioxidants, fatty acids and flavanols that
promote glowing skin. The antioxidants in dark
chocolate will help reduce roughness in your
skin and protect it against sun damage.
Moreover, cocoa relaxes arteries, increasing
blood circulation that leads to healthier skin.
I usually buy cocoa powder or raw cacao for
less fat. And if you like dark chocolate, eat
your ounce of dark chocolate every day and
make sure you choose at least 80% cacao
content in order to avoid milk and added
sugars found in a traditional chocolate bar
3 . Salmon
Salmon is an excellent food to fight
stress , anxiety, and depression. Salmon
also provides most of your daily vitamin
D needs. And as you may already know,
Vitamin D is responsible for keeping
your heart, bones , colon and brain
healthy. It also helps prevent colon
cancer , anxiety, depression, heart
disease and bone disease.
Salmon is also rich in omega -3 fatty
acids that are excellent for fighting
inflammation , wrinkles and acne . Its
high omega -3 content also helps hydrate
your skin from the inside out .
Moreover , eating salmon keeps your
scalp hydrated and promotes strong,
healthy hair.
4.Coconut oil
Coconut oil is one of the richest
sources of saturated fat with about 90
percent of calories as saturated fat . It
contains lauric acid , a powerful
antibacterial and antiviral agent that
keeps away viruses, infections ,
inflammation and acne . Coconut oil is
also rich in essential fatty acids and
Vitamin E , which are perfect for keeping
your skin moist, soft, and wrinkle-free .
I use coconut oil as a body cream and
consume 1 tbsp. of raw coconut oil
every day. Coconut oil is especially good
for your thyroid. Plus, there’s
considerable evidence that this oil can
help lose weight . So many health
benefits , don’t you think ?
5 . Green tea
Well , so I know green tea is actually a
beverage, but tea leaves come from a
plant ! Even though I love black tea, I
drink green tea every day because I
know that it is a great source of
antioxidants and a unique amino acid,
L -theanine that helps relax your body
and lower stress .
When the tea is hot , the bionic brew
releases catechins , a kind of antioxidant
with proven anti-cancer and anti-
inflammatory properties . Green tea may
also reduce your risk of developing high
blood pressure . Drink 3 or more cups of
tea every day for better results
6 . Spinach
Spinach is a healthy and nutrient- rich
food you should certainly include in
your everyday diet. You may hate
spinach , but it is a wonderful source of
iron , folate , chlorophyll, Vitamin E,
magnesium , Vitamin A , fiber , plant
protein, and Vitamin C. Due to their
antioxidant abilities , Vitamins C , E , and
A are especially great for your skin .
Spinach contains antioxidants that fight
against all types of skin problems . Add it
to your everyday diet and see what
happens . By eating spinach, you’re just
cleaning your skin from the inside out !
7 . Seeds
Chia seeds , hemp seeds, sunflower
seeds , pumpkin seeds , and flax seeds
are all great for your skin. Pumpkin
seeds and sunflower seeds are both rich
in selenium, Vitamin E , magnesium and
protein. Selenium and protein keep all
wrinkles away , Vitamin E enhances
moisture in your skin and magnesium
lowers your stress levels. The healthy
Omega 3 fatty acids in flax, chia and
hemp seeds are perfect for fighting
wrinkles and acne . Plus , these seeds are
rich in protein .
Just sprinkle seeds right on top of your
salad or oatmeal and enjoy the great
taste as well as perfect skin. I like to add
seeds to a fruit yogurt , I think it tastes
even better . I also add raw pumpkin
seeds in my oh -so delicious smoothies .
And what are your favorite seeds? How
do you eat them ?
8 . Celery
Another food to eat daily for perfect
skin is celery . Many of us underestimate
this veggie, but celery contains Vitamin
K that keeps the blood circulation
healthy and helps to reduce high blood
pressure . This can reduce your stress
level , and as you know stress can cause
bad skin, migraines and even cancer .
Celery also contains natural sodium,
potassium and water, and can help to
prevent dehydration . I hope you know
that dehydrated skin means dryness,
flaking , wrinkles , and even breakouts .
Make sure you consume celery every day
or at least every other day. If you are
counting calories, don’t worry , celery is
very low in calories !
9 . Papaya
Papaya is a wonderful fruit which has a
rich history and numerous nutritional
benefits . It is very low in calories ( only
39 calories per 100 g !) and also
contains no cholesterol . So if you are
trying to lose weight , consider eating
papaya every day to maximize its health
benefits .
A great beauty food , papaya is low in
fructose and is excellent for digestion!
The antioxidant nutrients found in it ,
including Vitamins C and E and beta-
carotene, are great at reducing
inflammation and acne . Moreover ,
Vitamin C may also protect your skin
against sun damage.
10 . Carrots
Carrots are good not only for your eyes ,
but also for your skin. They are
especially good for clearing up
breakouts . Carrots are rich in vitamin A
and they help prevent the
overproduction of cells in the outer
layer of the skin . That’s where excess
sebum combines with dead cells and
clogs pores.
Another great reason to snack on some
carrots is because Vitamin A reduces the
development of skin-cancer cells. So
make sure you nibble on a half- cup of
baby carrots every day for perfect skin.
I love carrots and I think they make a
great snack.
You don’t have to eat all these foods
every day, but even some of them would
be great ! Be sure to avoid junk foods,
too much sugar, trans fats and refined
carbs for the best skin possible. Which
of these foods do you eat every day?
Share your thoughts, please, and thanks
for reading !