Sunday, 7 July 2019
Here is the viral video of Ethic Entertainment crew being beaten like Burukenge
You invite an artist to perform on your show, they pull a crowd for you and you beat them up like this? Pathetic! Shame! #JusticeForEthic— BRAVIN™ (@ItsBravin) July 7, 2019
Now this is what i wanted, side b ya story. Allegedly hao bouncers waliwatolea mchuma wakidai kina ethic ni wezi. Profiling people juu ni waghetto or because of their dress code is totally wrong! #JusticeForEthic— Thee Gossip HighPriest 🇰🇪🇳🇴 (@MimeraTheDon) July 7, 2019
#Justiceforethic but ata kama wewe ni celeb, you will not disrespect others because u are high.— Nasir (@nasirkenya) July 7, 2019
Ata security people matter.