Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Kenya daily post

People Magazine names Lupita 'World's Most Beautiful

People magazine’s '50 most Beautiful People' issue, which will hit newstands this Friday, will carry award-winning Kenyan-Mexican actress, film and music video director Lupita Nyong’o on the cover, according to an announcement made on the Today Show on American television. The magazine, which has the largest audience of any American magazine, ran its first issue on March 4, 1974 and has created a name for its special year issues which include "World's Most Beautiful People", "Best & Worst Dressed", and "Sexiest Man Alive". The magazine's '100 Most Beautiful People' is an annual list of 100 people judged to be the most beautiful individuals in the world. The magazine started the list in 1990 and so far 26 people, both men and women, have featured on the list. The "World's Most Beautiful Person" usually graces the cover and this was the case for Lupita, making her the third black woman (after actress Halle Berry and singer Beyonce Knowles) to hold the title and grace the cover. She was recently awarded the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, becoming the sixth black actress to win the award,
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People magazine’s '50 most Beautiful People' issue, which will hit newstands this Friday, will carry award-winning Kenyan-Mexican actress, film and music video director Lupita Nyong’o on the cover, according to an announcement made on the Today Show on American television. The magazine, which has the largest audience of any American magazine, ran its first issue on March 4, 1974 and has created a name for its special year issues which include "World's Most Beautiful People", "Best & Worst Dressed", and "Sexiest Man Alive". The magazine's '100 Most Beautiful People' is an annual list of 100 people judged to be the most beautiful individuals in the world. The magazine started the list in 1990 and so far 26 people, both men and women, have featured on the list. The "World's Most Beautiful Person" usually graces the cover and this was the case for Lupita, making her the third black woman (after actress Halle Berry and singer Beyonce Knowles) to hold the title and grace the cover. She was recently awarded the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, becoming the sixth black actress to win the award,
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Aden Duale says Jubilee leaders – he, President Uhuru, Deputy President Ruto – are in power, not to protect all Kenyans, but communities who elected them for that.
But Jubilee leaders should not only protect their communities. They should protect whole Kenya that includes their own communities. As a leader, Duale should know that, sometimes “our people” are right and we must support them. Other times they are wrong and we must criticize them.
No one should lead Kenya without recognizing Kenyans as our people that should be protected from terrorism of whatever kind or any other danger.
The beauty is: when Kenyans are your people, your community is also your people, and when you protect Kenyans from terrorism, you also protect your community.
The reverse is however not true. When your community is your only people, Kenyans are not your people, and when you protect your community, you do not necessarily protect Kenyans.
The war against terror will never be won by leaders who believe they must protect their community, right or wrong. Already we have seen ordinary people and leaders take the position of defending people from their communities whether they are right or wrong, anytime such people and leaders perpetrate corruption. Now we see the same ethnic defense over terrorism.
As many Kikuyu, Kalenjin and Luo leaders do, Duale defends Somali people right or wrong because he believes the Somali community elected him to protect them.
Without contradiction by President Uhuru and Deputy President Ruto, Duale believes correctly that they too were elected to protect their own communities, not Kenya.
Now that their communities are not targeted by the war against terrorism, non-Somali leaders don’t seem to feel the need to defend justice for all and champion fair interrogation for all Kenyans including Somali community.
Leaders who believe in “our people” will never fight corruption or terrorism when they are perpetrated by their own tribesmen or clansmen and women.
Consequently wars against terrorism or corruption may never be fought fairly and successfully because they will be fought, not for the benefit of the whole country, but for some communities against others who will in turn defend themselves whether they are guilty or not.
To win the war against terrorism, we must fight as Kenyans not as communities and think critically for solutions, not just follow our leaders like sheep, when some are callously fishing in troubled waters and others leading us up the garden path for ulterior motives. Equally, we must fight terrorism not communities however implicated. No community can be entirely innocent of terrorism or wholly guilty.
If we fight terrorism as Kenyans, no community will complain of discrimination or profiling for commercial or political reasons. We must however admit that whole communities can sometimes embrace shared visions as the Kikuyu imbibed the dream of independence or the Somali embraced secession into a greater Somalia.
In the event, the enemy is greater than terrorism and can be overcome only by addressing the bigger problem of perceived rejection or oppression with an ideology of persuasion and inclusion rather than exclusion and conquest.
We cannot fight terrorism without asking hard questions. Is this war ours or are we paid by America and Europe 450 million shillings to fight their own war?
Or are we targeted as American friends by Islamic fundamentalists trying to wrestle Kenyan Coast, Eastleigh, North Eastern region and Zanzibar from American influence?
The war against terrorism will bring out the best and the worst in Kenyans. When Senator Kindiki Kithure announces that criticizing the war against terrorism is supporting terrorism, he is also propagating political terrorism and dictatorship, aside benefit from the war against terrorism.
Already Kenyans are victims of two types of terrorism. We have terrorism of the al Shabaab and a faceless terrorism that is killing radical Imams, Sheikhs and Muslim youth that many believe are government anti-terrorism agents. With what shall we fight terrorism?
Security experts advice that to be at par with terrorists who are lawless, government should suspend democracy and law and fight terrorism with terrorism, dictatorship, jungle law and shoot to kill orders.
Unfortunately by doing so, the government will lose its moral superiority over terrorists. To liberate people from terrorism, government must use more not less democracy and freedom.
The war against terrorism is a war of ideologies not arms and will be won by the more liberating ideology. The ideology of terrorism cannot be killed by bullets and grenades but by a superior ideology that will win souls and minds from it to democracy.
Terrorism must be countered with a powerful arsenal of arguments everywhere. Government can have more lethal arms but lose the war to terrorism if it has a more convincing ideology.
To win the war against terrorism, like Nyerere of Tanzania, President Uhuru must explain to Muslims and Christians alike that Kenya government is not a government of Kafiri or infidels and nor is it a government of Christians or Muslims.
While Kenyans have their religions, the government has no religion like Britain or Saudi Arabia. If all Kenyans accept all religions are equal, terrorism might lose its appeal to radical Muslim youths.
At whatever level, there are certain tactics government must not apply against terrorism. It must not target communities, arrest people en masse or confine suspects in stadiums.
They evoke bad memories when colonialists parked Kikuyus in stadiums, military government locked up Chileans in stadiums or when Nazis parked Jews in concentration camps.
Finally, the war against terrorism must be fought simultaneously with the war against corruption because graft accounts for illegal entries into Kenya, fake identification papers, illegal immigrants and arms with which terrorists fight.
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Aden Duale says Jubilee leaders – he, President Uhuru, Deputy President Ruto – are in power, not to protect all Kenyans, but communities who elected them for that.
But Jubilee leaders should not only protect their communities. They should protect whole Kenya that includes their own communities. As a leader, Duale should know that, sometimes “our people” are right and we must support them. Other times they are wrong and we must criticize them.
No one should lead Kenya without recognizing Kenyans as our people that should be protected from terrorism of whatever kind or any other danger.
The beauty is: when Kenyans are your people, your community is also your people, and when you protect Kenyans from terrorism, you also protect your community.
The reverse is however not true. When your community is your only people, Kenyans are not your people, and when you protect your community, you do not necessarily protect Kenyans.
The war against terror will never be won by leaders who believe they must protect their community, right or wrong. Already we have seen ordinary people and leaders take the position of defending people from their communities whether they are right or wrong, anytime such people and leaders perpetrate corruption. Now we see the same ethnic defense over terrorism.
As many Kikuyu, Kalenjin and Luo leaders do, Duale defends Somali people right or wrong because he believes the Somali community elected him to protect them.
Without contradiction by President Uhuru and Deputy President Ruto, Duale believes correctly that they too were elected to protect their own communities, not Kenya.
Now that their communities are not targeted by the war against terrorism, non-Somali leaders don’t seem to feel the need to defend justice for all and champion fair interrogation for all Kenyans including Somali community.
Leaders who believe in “our people” will never fight corruption or terrorism when they are perpetrated by their own tribesmen or clansmen and women.
Consequently wars against terrorism or corruption may never be fought fairly and successfully because they will be fought, not for the benefit of the whole country, but for some communities against others who will in turn defend themselves whether they are guilty or not.
To win the war against terrorism, we must fight as Kenyans not as communities and think critically for solutions, not just follow our leaders like sheep, when some are callously fishing in troubled waters and others leading us up the garden path for ulterior motives. Equally, we must fight terrorism not communities however implicated. No community can be entirely innocent of terrorism or wholly guilty.
If we fight terrorism as Kenyans, no community will complain of discrimination or profiling for commercial or political reasons. We must however admit that whole communities can sometimes embrace shared visions as the Kikuyu imbibed the dream of independence or the Somali embraced secession into a greater Somalia.
In the event, the enemy is greater than terrorism and can be overcome only by addressing the bigger problem of perceived rejection or oppression with an ideology of persuasion and inclusion rather than exclusion and conquest.
We cannot fight terrorism without asking hard questions. Is this war ours or are we paid by America and Europe 450 million shillings to fight their own war?
Or are we targeted as American friends by Islamic fundamentalists trying to wrestle Kenyan Coast, Eastleigh, North Eastern region and Zanzibar from American influence?
The war against terrorism will bring out the best and the worst in Kenyans. When Senator Kindiki Kithure announces that criticizing the war against terrorism is supporting terrorism, he is also propagating political terrorism and dictatorship, aside benefit from the war against terrorism.
Already Kenyans are victims of two types of terrorism. We have terrorism of the al Shabaab and a faceless terrorism that is killing radical Imams, Sheikhs and Muslim youth that many believe are government anti-terrorism agents. With what shall we fight terrorism?
Security experts advice that to be at par with terrorists who are lawless, government should suspend democracy and law and fight terrorism with terrorism, dictatorship, jungle law and shoot to kill orders.
Unfortunately by doing so, the government will lose its moral superiority over terrorists. To liberate people from terrorism, government must use more not less democracy and freedom.
The war against terrorism is a war of ideologies not arms and will be won by the more liberating ideology. The ideology of terrorism cannot be killed by bullets and grenades but by a superior ideology that will win souls and minds from it to democracy.
Terrorism must be countered with a powerful arsenal of arguments everywhere. Government can have more lethal arms but lose the war to terrorism if it has a more convincing ideology.
To win the war against terrorism, like Nyerere of Tanzania, President Uhuru must explain to Muslims and Christians alike that Kenya government is not a government of Kafiri or infidels and nor is it a government of Christians or Muslims.
While Kenyans have their religions, the government has no religion like Britain or Saudi Arabia. If all Kenyans accept all religions are equal, terrorism might lose its appeal to radical Muslim youths.
At whatever level, there are certain tactics government must not apply against terrorism. It must not target communities, arrest people en masse or confine suspects in stadiums.
They evoke bad memories when colonialists parked Kikuyus in stadiums, military government locked up Chileans in stadiums or when Nazis parked Jews in concentration camps.
Finally, the war against terrorism must be fought simultaneously with the war against corruption because graft accounts for illegal entries into Kenya, fake identification papers, illegal immigrants and arms with which terrorists fight.
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If We 'Protect' Our Communities, Terrorism Shall Not Be Eradicated

Saturday, April 19, 2014 - 00:00 -- BY KOIGI WA WAMWERE
Garisa town Mp Adan Duale. Photo/FILE
Garisa town Mp Adan Duale. Photo/FILE
Aden Duale says Jubilee leaders – he, President Uhuru, Deputy President Ruto – are in power, not to protect all Kenyans, but communities who elected them for that.
But Jubilee leaders should not only protect their communities. They should protect whole Kenya that includes their own communities. As a leader, Duale should know that, sometimes “our people” are right and we must support them. Other times they are wrong and we must criticize them.
No one should lead Kenya without recognizing Kenyans as our people that should be protected from terrorism of whatever kind or any other danger.
The beauty is: when Kenyans are your people, your community is also your people, and when you protect Kenyans from terrorism, you also protect your community.
The reverse is however not true. When your community is your only people, Kenyans are not your people, and when you protect your community, you do not necessarily protect Kenyans.
The war against terror will never be won by leaders who believe they must protect their community, right or wrong. Already we have seen ordinary people and leaders take the position of defending people from their communities whether they are right or wrong, anytime such people and leaders perpetrate corruption. Now we see the same ethnic defense over terrorism.
As many Kikuyu, Kalenjin and Luo leaders do, Duale defends Somali people right or wrong because he believes the Somali community elected him to protect them.
Without contradiction by President Uhuru and Deputy President Ruto, Duale believes correctly that they too were elected to protect their own communities, not Kenya.
Now that their communities are not targeted by the war against terrorism, non-Somali leaders don’t seem to feel the need to defend justice for all and champion fair interrogation for all Kenyans including Somali community.
Leaders who believe in “our people” will never fight corruption or terrorism when they are perpetrated by their own tribesmen or clansmen and women.
Consequently wars against terrorism or corruption may never be fought fairly and successfully because they will be fought, not for the benefit of the whole country, but for some communities against others who will in turn defend themselves whether they are guilty or not.
To win the war against terrorism, we must fight as Kenyans not as communities and think critically for solutions, not just follow our leaders like sheep, when some are callously fishing in troubled waters and others leading us up the garden path for ulterior motives. Equally, we must fight terrorism not communities however implicated. No community can be entirely innocent of terrorism or wholly guilty.
If we fight terrorism as Kenyans, no community will complain of discrimination or profiling for commercial or political reasons. We must however admit that whole communities can sometimes embrace shared visions as the Kikuyu imbibed the dream of independence or the Somali embraced secession into a greater Somalia.
In the event, the enemy is greater than terrorism and can be overcome only by addressing the bigger problem of perceived rejection or oppression with an ideology of persuasion and inclusion rather than exclusion and conquest.
We cannot fight terrorism without asking hard questions. Is this war ours or are we paid by America and Europe 450 million shillings to fight their own war?
Or are we targeted as American friends by Islamic fundamentalists trying to wrestle Kenyan Coast, Eastleigh, North Eastern region and Zanzibar from American influence?
The war against terrorism will bring out the best and the worst in Kenyans. When Senator Kindiki Kithure announces that criticizing the war against terrorism is supporting terrorism, he is also propagating political terrorism and dictatorship, aside benefit from the war against terrorism.
Already Kenyans are victims of two types of terrorism. We have terrorism of the al Shabaab and a faceless terrorism that is killing radical Imams, Sheikhs and Muslim youth that many believe are government anti-terrorism agents. With what shall we fight terrorism?
Security experts advice that to be at par with terrorists who are lawless, government should suspend democracy and law and fight terrorism with terrorism, dictatorship, jungle law and shoot to kill orders.
Unfortunately by doing so, the government will lose its moral superiority over terrorists. To liberate people from terrorism, government must use more not less democracy and freedom.
The war against terrorism is a war of ideologies not arms and will be won by the more liberating ideology. The ideology of terrorism cannot be killed by bullets and grenades but by a superior ideology that will win souls and minds from it to democracy.
Terrorism must be countered with a powerful arsenal of arguments everywhere. Government can have more lethal arms but lose the war to terrorism if it has a more convincing ideology.
To win the war against terrorism, like Nyerere of Tanzania, President Uhuru must explain to Muslims and Christians alike that Kenya government is not a government of Kafiri or infidels and nor is it a government of Christians or Muslims.
While Kenyans have their religions, the government has no religion like Britain or Saudi Arabia. If all Kenyans accept all religions are equal, terrorism might lose its appeal to radical Muslim youths.
At whatever level, there are certain tactics government must not apply against terrorism. It must not target communities, arrest people en masse or confine suspects in stadiums.
They evoke bad memories when colonialists parked Kikuyus in stadiums, military government locked up Chileans in stadiums or when Nazis parked Jews in concentration camps.
Finally, the war against terrorism must be fought simultaneously with the war against corruption because graft accounts for illegal entries into Kenya, fake identification papers, illegal immigrants and arms with which terrorists fight.
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If We 'Protect' Our Communities, Terrorism Shall Not Be Eradicated

Saturday, April 19, 2014 - 00:00 -- BY KOIGI WA WAMWERE
Garisa town Mp Adan Duale. Photo/FILE
Garisa town Mp Adan Duale. Photo/FILE
Aden Duale says Jubilee leaders – he, President Uhuru, Deputy President Ruto – are in power, not to protect all Kenyans, but communities who elected them for that.
But Jubilee leaders should not only protect their communities. They should protect whole Kenya that includes their own communities. As a leader, Duale should know that, sometimes “our people” are right and we must support them. Other times they are wrong and we must criticize them.
No one should lead Kenya without recognizing Kenyans as our people that should be protected from terrorism of whatever kind or any other danger.
The beauty is: when Kenyans are your people, your community is also your people, and when you protect Kenyans from terrorism, you also protect your community.
The reverse is however not true. When your community is your only people, Kenyans are not your people, and when you protect your community, you do not necessarily protect Kenyans.
The war against terror will never be won by leaders who believe they must protect their community, right or wrong. Already we have seen ordinary people and leaders take the position of defending people from their communities whether they are right or wrong, anytime such people and leaders perpetrate corruption. Now we see the same ethnic defense over terrorism.
As many Kikuyu, Kalenjin and Luo leaders do, Duale defends Somali people right or wrong because he believes the Somali community elected him to protect them.
Without contradiction by President Uhuru and Deputy President Ruto, Duale believes correctly that they too were elected to protect their own communities, not Kenya.
Now that their communities are not targeted by the war against terrorism, non-Somali leaders don’t seem to feel the need to defend justice for all and champion fair interrogation for all Kenyans including Somali community.
Leaders who believe in “our people” will never fight corruption or terrorism when they are perpetrated by their own tribesmen or clansmen and women.
Consequently wars against terrorism or corruption may never be fought fairly and successfully because they will be fought, not for the benefit of the whole country, but for some communities against others who will in turn defend themselves whether they are guilty or not.
To win the war against terrorism, we must fight as Kenyans not as communities and think critically for solutions, not just follow our leaders like sheep, when some are callously fishing in troubled waters and others leading us up the garden path for ulterior motives. Equally, we must fight terrorism not communities however implicated. No community can be entirely innocent of terrorism or wholly guilty.
If we fight terrorism as Kenyans, no community will complain of discrimination or profiling for commercial or political reasons. We must however admit that whole communities can sometimes embrace shared visions as the Kikuyu imbibed the dream of independence or the Somali embraced secession into a greater Somalia.
In the event, the enemy is greater than terrorism and can be overcome only by addressing the bigger problem of perceived rejection or oppression with an ideology of persuasion and inclusion rather than exclusion and conquest.
We cannot fight terrorism without asking hard questions. Is this war ours or are we paid by America and Europe 450 million shillings to fight their own war?
Or are we targeted as American friends by Islamic fundamentalists trying to wrestle Kenyan Coast, Eastleigh, North Eastern region and Zanzibar from American influence?
The war against terrorism will bring out the best and the worst in Kenyans. When Senator Kindiki Kithure announces that criticizing the war against terrorism is supporting terrorism, he is also propagating political terrorism and dictatorship, aside benefit from the war against terrorism.
Already Kenyans are victims of two types of terrorism. We have terrorism of the al Shabaab and a faceless terrorism that is killing radical Imams, Sheikhs and Muslim youth that many believe are government anti-terrorism agents. With what shall we fight terrorism?
Security experts advice that to be at par with terrorists who are lawless, government should suspend democracy and law and fight terrorism with terrorism, dictatorship, jungle law and shoot to kill orders.
Unfortunately by doing so, the government will lose its moral superiority over terrorists. To liberate people from terrorism, government must use more not less democracy and freedom.
The war against terrorism is a war of ideologies not arms and will be won by the more liberating ideology. The ideology of terrorism cannot be killed by bullets and grenades but by a superior ideology that will win souls and minds from it to democracy.
Terrorism must be countered with a powerful arsenal of arguments everywhere. Government can have more lethal arms but lose the war to terrorism if it has a more convincing ideology.
To win the war against terrorism, like Nyerere of Tanzania, President Uhuru must explain to Muslims and Christians alike that Kenya government is not a government of Kafiri or infidels and nor is it a government of Christians or Muslims.
While Kenyans have their religions, the government has no religion like Britain or Saudi Arabia. If all Kenyans accept all religions are equal, terrorism might lose its appeal to radical Muslim youths.
At whatever level, there are certain tactics government must not apply against terrorism. It must not target communities, arrest people en masse or confine suspects in stadiums.
They evoke bad memories when colonialists parked Kikuyus in stadiums, military government locked up Chileans in stadiums or when Nazis parked Jews in concentration camps.
Finally, the war against terrorism must be fought simultaneously with the war against corruption because graft accounts for illegal entries into Kenya, fake identification papers, illegal immigrants and arms with which terrorists fight.
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Kenya daily post


Controversial self proclaimed Prophet, Dr. David Owuor, has for the first time declared openly that he doesn’t read the Bible or pray and even preach in crusades and rallies.

Speaking on Saturday in Eldoret during the three-day Easter rallies at Eldoret Sports Club, Owuor, gave reasons why he does not read the Bible or pray in crusades nowadays.

Owuor, whose source of wealth still remains a mystery, said God commanded him and stopped him from reading the Bible and praying in meetings because that was a waste of time because people need him all the time.

The Man of God noted that God commanded him to use every single minute he has to perform miracles and minister to the people and not waste it praying.

However, his statement is likely to elicit reactions from majority of Kenyans who have cast doubt on his Ministry of Repentance, Righteousness and Holiness, considering that he doesn’t use the Bible most of the time.

Already, Kenyan pastors have accused Owuor of being a Prophet of Doom and that his miracles are fake since they are stage-managed.

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Kenya daily post

Jicho Pevu confirms Uhuru won, Raila now knows his team (Owalo) were MUNCHING campaign cash with no focus

I think the Jicho Pevu show has a target audience beyond what we know: Raila received billions from several sources to help him during the 2012 and 2013 campaigns. He was 100% sure of winning, and many “special interest groups” poured lots- I mean lots of MONEY to the Tinga campaign team.
Tinga ate that money- and never used it in the campaigns. There was no mobilization strategy, there was no media strategy- things were just running without order, without thought, and without purpose. CORD never even had a propaganda unit to expose the weaknesses of Uhuru and Ruto. They never ensured that their base registered as voters. Instead, guys were busy munching, chewing and doing other unprintables- instead of strategizing.

Jicho Pevu has just confirmed to those that had doubts: Uhuru Kenyatta won fair and square- that even if Moha himself tries to investigate, he comes up with a big big joke.

In order to convince the Donors, and “special interest groups” that he did not munch their money- Raila and his gang must have a way of shifting blame.

To be sincere- the path of Jicho Pevu has flatly failed- let him explain to those guys where the billions went. Let him leave Kenyans in peace to concentrate on many pressing matters of nation building.


Meet Boy Born With 34 FINGERS And TOES (PHOTOS)

A little boy stunned medics after being born with 34 fingers and toes, Akshat Saxena had seven fingers on each hand and ten toes on each foot — but no thumbs. Mum Amrita said: “I was so happy to see my baby as it was our first child. But later, when I saw his fingers, I was shocked and surprised.” She said: “He read on the internet about the baby born in China.
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Kenya daily post


Kenya’s social media was awash with rumours that gospel star, Emmy Kosgey, had secretly filed for a divorce with her old Nigerian hubby, Apostle Anslem Madubuko. Further reports indicated that she demanded 50 percent of the bishop’s wealth, and this shocked many Kenyans who branded her a gold-digger.

But the Taunet Nelel hit maker, who is currently in Boston for a music tour, has dispelled the rumours and re-affirmed that her marriage is still tight. She was responding to a social media fan who pressured her to clear the air.

“Emmy, can you clear the air on your recent divorce saga.” Asked the fan.

The songstress answered;

“Para pararampa ni za ma idlers. Tuko imara. Happy Easter. (Don’t listen to the rumours; we are still together, happy Easter).”

To further prove the doubting Thomases wrong, the two lovers exchanged romantic messages through facebook posts claiming how they miss each other. The facebook posts read;

Apostle Anslem Madubuko;

Missing ya already SWEETIE.

And Emmy Kosgey answered;

@Apostle. I miss you too HONEY. I am coming soon.

Their controversial relationship has always been a subject of discussion due to their huge age difference. Emmy Kosgey is the same age as Madubuko’s youngest daughter.

The Kenyan DAILY POST.
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Kenya daily post


1.The multibillion chain of hotels known as heritage hotels
2.CBA regional bank with an asset base of over 75 billion
3. Insurance ~ Chartis formerly AIG with a market share of 5%

4. Dairy~ Brookside and Spin Knit

 5. Education ~ Peponi schools, an international chain of schools that charge an AVERAGE OF 620,000/= per term per child for Borders

6. Farming~ Large scale coffee, tea and Sisal farming concerns, own farms in Central, Rift Valley and coast regions

7. Media ~ Mediamax Group, owns K24 TV, the people Newspaper, Kameme Fm, Meru Fm and Milele Fm

8. Enke limited ~ holding company with interests in an assortment of sectors that include Prime and Real Estate

9. Timber & manufacturing ~ Timsales Holdings, A timber processing and constructing firm.


10, 000 acre Gichea Farm in Gatundu.

5, 000 acres in Thika.

9,000 acres in Kasarani Mwiki

5, 000-acre Muthaita Farm.

24, 000 acres in Taveta

50, 000 acres in Taita,

29, 000 acres in Kahawa Sukari along the Nairobi—Thika highway stretching all the way to Kilimambogo Hills in Ukambani.

Others include:

10, 000-acre ranch in Naivasha.,

52,000-acre farm in Nakuru

20,000-acre one, also known as Gichea Farm,

10, 000 acres in Rumuruti,

40,000 acres in Endebes in the Rift Valley Province

Others are:

Brookside Farm, Green Lee Estate,Njagu Farm in Juja, a quarry in Dandora in Nairobi


Great Rift Valley Lodge, Naivasha

Tented Camps

Mara Explorer

Mara Intrepids

Samburu Intrepids

Voyager Ziwani

Beach Hotels

Kipungani Explorer

Voyager Beach Resort
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Kenya daily post



We have and exclusive document written by mutahi ngunyi assisted by some few people.Its clear Ruto will be short changed by Uhuru!
read it below
"In developing this strategy we borrowed
highly on premises of the 7 point minimum
scenario (Tyranny of Numbers) that assures
our candidate of first round win in the
coming March 4th Election.
However the win comes at a price which
MUST be contained through a well-designed
strategy to ensure that despite the
requirements of the new constitution we still
manage to wrestle the power from other
sources and retain it within our sphere of
Our current challenge is to devise a strategy
that would tackle the following areas;
a) Manage an executive number 2 in
power - the constitution provides for an
executive number 2.
b) Manage the 50:50 sharing of
government – in getting the numbers for top
up we signed an agreement for power
sharing which may not be realistic once we
settle down into the business of running the
It must also be pointed out that our current
number 2 is a very abrasive and ambitious
person who will want a lot of say in the
running of the government affairs and we
risk having two parallel centres of power.
We must also remember that Kibaki was able
to manage this transition very well with RAO
once he took over power and despite the hue
and cry he managed to still take a stab on
second term successfully.
The Number 2 Factor
Our current number 2 can be described as a
very smart politician who has used his
position to both endear himself to his people
and accumulate wealth for himself. He is
equally abrasive and very ambitious and
would want to play a major role in the
running and decisions of the government.
From his character we anticipate that in the
first six months we should expect some cold
war between him and UK since he is known
to always want his way and does not believe
in being managed or lead.
Secondly a number of things that have been
agreed upon are not realistic and may render
our man powerless and reduce him to a
figure head.
His weakness?
Every strong personality brings on the table
a number of weakness that we will need to
exploit at point namely;
1. In getting to his current position the man
has rubbed everyone the wrong away and
he therefore will have very little sympathy
from the mainstream leaders. Just a sneak
preview on this tells you that; Raila, Kalonzo,
Wamalwa, Mudavadi will all be baying for
his blood on the night of the long sword. We
can also count of some of these people to
prop up the government when the time comes
(Kibaki did it very well).
2. Corruption: the man has a number of
corruption cases including fraudulently
acquiring land in various parts of the
country. Some of these cases are still active
in court and will come in handy at the
appropriate time.
The deep sea approach
In 2011 when Obama administration took on
Osama Bin Laden they took on the deep sea
approach by entering the airspace of
Pakistan through the sea and disposing of
the body in the deep sea to ensure that it
leaves minimum disruptions in its wake.
Our approach must equally take the same
angle through;
I. Land cases: fast track land cases facing
number 2 using The Judiciary. This plot will
create the fastest trap for finding number 2
culpable then he will be forced to step down
and in accordance with chapter six of the
constitution. It is then important to identify a
friendlier and weaker candidate without a
strong ethnic base and the person who fits
this bill is Balala. In propping him up he will
also bring on board a sizable Muslim block
that will effectively counter the number 2′s
II. Exploit his weakness: as pointed out
earlier number 2, in getting to current
position, created a number of powerful
enemies and the most opportune time to
exploit this weakness is when things settle
and its time to form the government. The
plan is to use his enemies to shoot down all
his nominees in return for a few government"
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Kenya daily post



RailaRaila Odinga WealtHow wealthy is former Prime Minister Raila Amollo Odinga or how much wealth does he own? Is Raila Among the richest people in Kenya? Yes, Raila is indeed one of the richest Kenyans if his political and business interests are anything to go by.


The Langata legislator is undoubtedly one of the most famous and popular politicians in Kenya. His father, the late Jaramogi Oginga Odinga was a renowned icon of opposition politics in Kenya and so is his son, Agwambo. Raila is one of the front runners to be the president of Kenya when elections are held later this year and I strongly believe he has the money and wealth to carry out a successful presidential campaign aimed at ascending him to the presidency of the republic of Kenya.
The political carrer of Raila aside, let us now look into some of the things he owns that makes him one of the richest individuals Kenya has ever had. Of course Raila may not be in the money league of the Kenyatta and Moi families but he is equally rich and sitting on a vast wealth.
To be specific the following are what Enginer Honorable Raila Amollo Odinga owns and from the worth of such businesses and investments we can clearly estimate how much he is worth that qualifies him to be a rich individual.
  • He has interests in pan African petroleum limited (700million shillings)- a company that imports and distributes petroleum products.
  • kisumu ethanol molasses plant which produces ethanol, co2, yeast, industrial products and is valued at 3billion shillings.
  • East Africa spectre limited (gas cylinder manufacturing company valued at 500 million Kenyan shillings), residential and commercial property in Nairobi, kisumu and Mombasa.
  • His family home in Karen is worth hundreds of millions of shillings.
  • He also owns Runda house.
  • And many more.
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Kenya daily post


Do All Women Get Early Symptoms of Pregnancy?


Every woman is different. So are her experiences of pregnancy. Not every woman has the same symptoms or even the same symptoms from one pregnancy to the next.
Also, because the early symptoms of pregnancy are often like what happens right before and during menstruation, those symptoms aren't always recognized.
What follows is a description of some of the most common early symptoms of pregnancy. You should know that these symptoms may be caused by other things besides being pregnant. So the fact that you notice some of these symptoms does not necessarily mean you are pregnant. The only way to tell for sure is with a pregnancy test.

Spotting and Cramping

A few days after conception, the fertilized egg attaches itself to wall of the uterus. This can cause one of the earliest signs of pregnancy -- spotting and, sometimes, cramping.
That's called implantation bleeding. It occurs anywhere from six to 12 days after the egg is fertilized.
The cramps resemble menstrual cramps, so some women mistake them and the bleeding for the start of their period. The bleeding and cramps, however, are slight.
Besides bleeding, a woman  may notice a white, milky discharge from her vagina. That's related to the thickening of the vagina's walls, which starts almost immediately after conception. The increased growth of cells lining the vagina causes the discharge.
This discharge, which can continue throughout pregnancy, is typically harmless and doesn't require treatment. But if there is a bad smell related to the discharge or a burning and itching sensation, tell your doctor so they can check on whether you have a yeast or bacterial infection.

Breast Changes

Breast changes are another very early sign of pregnancy. A woman's hormone levels rapidly change after conception. Because of the changes, her breasts may become swollen, sore, or tingly a week or two later. Or they may feel heavier or fuller or feel tender to the touch. The area around the nipples, called the areola, may also darken.
Other things could cause breast changes. But if the changes are an early symptom of pregnancy, keep in mind that it is going to take several weeks to get used to the new levels of hormones. But when it does, breast pain should ease up.

Shortness of Breath
Do you get winded going up the stairs all of a sudden? It might be because you’re pregnant. The growing fetus needs oxygen, leaving you a little short. Sorry to say, this one may continue throughout your pregnancy, especially as your growing baby starts to put pressure on your lungs and diaphragm.

You didn't even make it through one page of your book last night before falling asleep. If you're suddenly exhausted, it might be a response to the increasing hormones in your body. For many women, tiredness continues through the first trimester, but then ebbs in the second.

Most pregnant women start to get the queasies when they're about 6 weeks along, but some can experience morning sickness (which unfortunately can occur morning, noon and night) earlier. It will most likely subside as you enter the second trimester. In the mean time, try to eat foods that will settle your stomach, like crackers or ginger ale


Frequent Urination
If you suddenly find yourself unable to sleep through the night without a trip to the loo, it might be a sign. During pregnancy your body produces extra fluids, which has your bladder working overtime - and you taking a lot of pee breaks.

More early signs of pregnancy include an aching head, a result of changes in hormones. Just in case you are indeed pregnant, take pg-safe acetaminophen instead of ibuprofen to deal with the pain.

Is your lower back a little sore? If you don't normally have back pain, it could mean your ligaments are loosening. Sorry, this one might continue through your pregnancy as your weight gain and shifting center of gravity throw your posture out of whack.

Cravings or Food Aversions
Suddenly, you cannot get enough citrus. Or perhaps fish now turns your stomach. If you notice food issues that weren't there before, it could be your body telling you you're pregnant.

Mood Swings
WWIII erupted over your husband's failure to put his socks in the hamper. Moody much? If you're feeling a little hormonal, if might be because your body is adjusting to well, new hormones. Assure your husband that the roller coaster emotions will pass.

Super Smell
Your garbage can now makes you gag -- guess you're off trash duty! If you're repulsed by certain smells, or have an increased sensitivity to odors, it may mean you've got a bun in the oven.
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Kenya daily post

The world’s unluckiest man; bitten by rattlesnake, punched by monkeys, struck by lightening and survived a shark attack!

Is this the world's unluckiest man? Fisherman attacked by shark reveals it is his latest brush with death having survived lightning strike, rattlesnake bite... and being punched by MONKEY

A fisherman who survived a shark bite on vacation said the ordeal is his latest brush with death after previously being struck by lightning and getting attacked by snakes and even monkeys.
Erik Norrie lost part of his leg after being bitten by a shark while fishing off the Abaco Islands in the Bahamas in front of his wife Spryng, four daughters and father-in-law.
But Mr Norrie, from Largo, Florida, said the horrifying attack that has left him needing skin grafts to his damaged leg is only the latest in a string of rare incidents.
Erik Norrie was attacked by a shark while vacationing in the Bahamas
Erik Norrie was attacked by a shark while vacationing in the Bahamas after previously surviving a lightning strike, a snake bite and being punched by monkeys twice

The back of his leg was bitten while he was fishing and Mr Norrie is now waiting for skin graft surgery
The back of his leg was bitten while he was fishing and Mr Norrie is now waiting for skin graft surgery
He has previously been struck by lightning, survived a rattlesnake bite and said he has been punched by monkeys twice.
The odds of being attacked by a shark are about one in 11.5million and the chances of being struck by lightning in the U.S. is about one in 280,000.
Despite his numerous brushes with death, Mr Norrie said it was the shark attack that he believed was going to kill him.
He said he felt a crunch on the back of his leg during the trip on July 29 as he was returning to the family boat after snorkeling and spearfishing in the ocean.
The father-of-four, pictured with a toy shark given by a friend
The father-of-four, pictured at Tampa General Hospital with a toy shark given by a friend, was able to tie rubber bands around his leg to stem the blood flow after the attack

Mr Norrie told Fox Tampa Bay: 'As I look back, [the shark] was just finishing his bite and ripping and swimming off, and you could see a piece of my leg in his mouth.'
He said the shark began circling through the pool of blood when his father-in-law jumped into the water to get between him and the predator.
Mr Norrie told the news station: 'I immediately threw the spear down with the fish because there was an enormous pool of blood around me and that shark was swimming all through the blood, sort of looking around, for more.'
The father-of-four was able to tie rubber bands from his spear around his leg to try and stem the blood flow and his family called for help over the radio.

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Is this the world’s unluckiest man? Fisherman attacked by shar - See more at:
Is this the world’s unluckiest man? Fisherman attacked by shark reveals it is his latest brush with death having survived lightning strike, rattlesnake bite… and being punched by MONKEYS
A fisherman who survived a shark bite on vacation said the ordeal is his latest brush with death after previously being struck by lightning and getting attacked by snakes and even monkeys. Erik Norrie lost part of his leg after being bitten by a shark wh - See more at:

Is this the world's unluckiest man? Fisherman attacked by shark reveals it is his latest brush with death having survived lightning strike, rattlesnake bite... and being punched by MONKEYS

Is this the world’s unluckiest man? Fisherman attacked by shark reveals it is his latest brush with death having survived lightning strike, rattlesnake bite… and being punched by MONKEYS
A fisherman who survived a shark bite on vacation said the ordeal is his latest brush with death after previously being struck by lightning and getting attacked by snakes and even monkeys. Erik Norrie lost part of his leg after being bitten by a shark while fishing off the Abaco Islands in the Bahamas in front of his wife Spryng, four daughters and father-in-law. But Mr Norrie, from Largo, Florida, said the horrifying attack that has left him needing skin grafts to his damaged leg is only the latest in a string of rare incidents.
He has previously been struck by lightning, survived a rattlesnake bite and said he has been punched by monkeys twice. The odds of being attacked by a shark are about one in 11.5million and the chances of being struck by lightning in the U.S. is about one in 280,000. Despite his numerous brushes with death, Mr Norrie said it was the shark attack that he believed was going to kill him. He said he felt a crunch on the back of his leg during the trip on July 29 as he was returning to the family boat after snorkeling and spearfishing in the ocean.
Mr Norrie told Fox Tampa Bay “As I look back, [the shark] was just finishing his bite and ripping and swimming off, and you could see a piece of my leg in his mouth.” -

 He said the shark began circling through the pool of blood when his father-in-law jumped into the water to get between him and the predator. Mr Norrie told the news station: ‘I immediately threw the spear down with the fish because there was an enormous pool of blood around me and that shark was swimming all through the blood, sort of looking around - See more at:
Is this the world’s unluckiest man? Fisherman attacked by shark reveals it is his latest brush with death having survived lightning strike, rattlesnake bite… and being punched by MONKEYS
A fisherman who survived a shark bite on vacation said the ordeal is his latest brush with death after previously being struck by lightning and getting attacked by snakes and even monkeys. Erik Norrie lost part of his leg after being bitten by a shark while fishing off the Abaco Islands in the Bahamas in front of his wife Spryng, four daughters and father-in-law. But Mr Norrie, from Largo, Florida, said the horrifying attack that has left him needing skin grafts to his damaged leg is only the latest in a string of rare incidents.
He has previously been struck by lightning, survived a rattlesnake bite and said he has been punched by monkeys twice. The odds of being attacked by a shark are about one in 11.5million and the chances of being struck by lightning in the U.S. is about one in 280,000. Despite his numerous brushes with death, Mr Norrie said it was the shark attack that he believed was going to kill him. He said he felt a crunch on the back of his leg during the trip on July 29 as he was returning to the family boat after snorkeling and spearfishing in the ocean.
Mr Norrie told Fox Tampa Bay “As I look back, [the shark] was just finishing his bite and ripping and swimming off, and you could see a piece of my leg in his mouth.” -

 He said the shark began circling through the pool of blood when his father-in-law jumped into the water to get between him and the predator. Mr Norrie told the news station: ‘I immediately threw the spear down with the fish because there was an enormous pool of blood around me and that shark was swimming all through the blood, sort of looking around - See more at:
Is this the world’s unluckiest man? Fisherman attacked by shark reveals it is his latest brush with death having survived lightning strike, rattlesnake bite… and being punched by MONKEYS
A fisherman who survived a shark bite on vacation said the ordeal is his latest brush with death after previously being struck by lightning and getting attacked by snakes and even monkeys. Erik Norrie lost part of his leg after being bitten by a shark while fishing off the Abaco Islands in the Bahamas in front of his wife Spryng, four daughters and father-in-law. But Mr Norrie, from Largo, Florida, said the horrifying attack that has left him needing skin grafts to his damaged leg is only the latest in a string of rare incidents.
He has previously been struck by lightning, survived a rattlesnake bite and said he has been punched by monkeys twice. The odds of being attacked by a shark are about one in 11.5million and the chances of being struck by lightning in the U.S. is about one in 280,000. Despite his numerous brushes with death, Mr Norrie said it was the shark attack that he believed was going to kill him. He said he felt a crunch on the back of his leg during the trip on July 29 as he was returning to the family boat after snorkeling and spearfishing in the ocean.
Mr Norrie told Fox Tampa Bay “As I look back, [the shark] was just finishing his bite and ripping and swimming off, and you could see a piece of my leg in his mouth.” -

 He said the shark began circling through the pool of blood when his father-in-law jumped into the water to get between him and the predator. Mr Norrie told the news station: ‘I immediately threw the spear down with the fish because there was an enormous pool of blood around me and that shark was swimming all through the blood, sort of looking around, for more.’

 The father-of-four was able to tie rubber bands from his spear around his leg to try and stem the blood flow and his family called for help over the radio. A San Diego doctor arrived and accompanied Mr Norrie to a local hospital.

The fisherman said: ‘That was a tough ride. I really did think I was going to die.’

The devout Christian credits his faith with helping him through the ordeal and said his daughters and wife prayed during the journey to hospital. Mr Norrie, who has been spearfishing since he was eight years old, is now recovering at Tampa General Hospital and is due to have multiple skin grafts to try to repair his injured leg.
source: Mail Online - See more at:
Is this the world’s unluckiest man? Fisherman attacked by shark reveals it is his latest brush with death having survived lightning strike, rattlesnake bite… and being punched by MONKEYS
A fisherman who survived a shark bite on vacation said the ordeal is his latest brush with death after previously being struck by lightning and getting attacked by snakes and even monkeys. Erik Norrie lost part of his leg after being bitten by a shark while fishing off the Abaco Islands in the Bahamas in front of his wife Spryng, four daughters and father-in-law. But Mr Norrie, from Largo, Florida, said the horrifying attack that has left him needing skin grafts to his damaged leg is only the latest in a string of rare incidents.
He has previously been struck by lightning, survived a rattlesnake bite and said he has been punched by monkeys twice. The odds of being attacked by a shark are about one in 11.5million and the chances of being struck by lightning in the U.S. is about one in 280,000. Despite his numerous brushes with death, Mr Norrie said it was the shark attack that he believed was going to kill him. He said he felt a crunch on the back of his leg during the trip on July 29 as he was returning to the family boat after snorkeling and spearfishing in the ocean.
Mr Norrie told Fox Tampa Bay “As I look back, [the shark] was just finishing his bite and ripping and swimming off, and you could see a piece of my leg in his mouth.” -

 He said the shark began circling through the pool of blood when his father-in-law jumped into the water to get between him and the predator. Mr Norrie told the news station: ‘I immediately threw the spear down with the fish because there was an enormous pool of blood around me and that shark was swimming all through the blood, sort of looking around, for more.’

 The father-of-four was able to tie rubber bands from his spear around his leg to try and stem the blood flow and his family called for help over the radio. A San Diego doctor arrived and accompanied Mr Norrie to a local hospital.

The fisherman said: ‘That was a tough ride. I really did think I was going to die.’

The devout Christian credits his faith with helping him through the ordeal and said his daughters and wife prayed during the journey to hospital. Mr Norrie, who has been spearfishing since he was eight years old, is now recovering at Tampa General Hospital and is due to have multiple skin grafts to try to repair his injured leg.
source: Mail Online - See more at:
Is this the world’s unluckiest man? Fisherman attacked by shark reveals it is his latest brush with death having survived lightning strike, rattlesnake bite… and being punched by MONKEYS
A fisherman who survived a shark bite on vacation said the ordeal is his latest brush with death after previously being struck by lightning and getting attacked by snakes and even monkeys. Erik Norrie lost part of his leg after being bitten by a shark while fishing off the Abaco Islands in the Bahamas in front of his wife Spryng, four daughters and father-in-law. But Mr Norrie, from Largo, Florida, said the horrifying attack that has left him needing skin grafts to his damaged leg is only the latest in a string of rare incidents.
He has previously been struck by lightning, survived a rattlesnake bite and said he has been punched by monkeys twice. The odds of being attacked by a shark are about one in 11.5million and the chances of being struck by lightning in the U.S. is about one in 280,000. Despite his numerous brushes with death, Mr Norrie said it was the shark attack that he believed was going to kill him. He said he felt a crunch on the back of his leg during the trip on July 29 as he was returning to the family boat after snorkeling and spearfishing in the ocean.
Mr Norrie told Fox Tampa Bay “As I look back, [the shark] was just finishing his bite and ripping and swimming off, and you could see a piece of my leg in his mouth.” -

 He said the shark began circling through the pool of blood when his father-in-law jumped into the water to get between him and the predator. Mr Norrie told the news station: ‘I immediately threw the spear down with the fish because there was an enormous pool of blood around me and that shark was swimming all through the blood, sort of looking around - See more at:
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