I've got a question for you: Do women enjoy
being hit on - or do they loath it?
If YOU know in your heart-of-hearts women
enjoy it - maybe even love it - you're well on
your way to experiencing massive success with
da ladies. If you've got the belief, though, that
women find men hitting on them more
annoying than nails against a chalk board
you're in big trouble.
But DON'T worry, my friend, because you're in
the same position most men are.
Many a man believes women hate to be hit on
- and rightfully so. If you, for example,
frequent the bar or club scene you've probably
overheard groups of women yapping away
about how they fear and loath men hitting on
them. But if this were so, women would wear
shower curtains to bars and nightclubs. But
they don't. They wear skimpy little outfits to
maximize the amount of male attention they
I'm gonna return to this train of thought in a
moment. But before I do, I want to shed some
serious light on why believing women don't like
to be hit on is akin to sentencing your penis to
life in prison with no chance of parole. No
hope of him ever vacationing in that warm,
cuddly place he enjoys dancing into the wee
hours of the morning to that old Digital
Underground song "Do The Humpty Hump."
The only love he's gonna get is from Bubba's
nether regions.
Having this belief will cause a man to fear and
loath hitting on women. He'll, for example,
think to himself: "If I approach a woman she'll
see me as an insidious little vermin she wants
shunted from her reality."
If he does get up the gall to approach a
woman, he's gonna have scrawled across his
forehead in permanent red ink: "I'm so scared
you'll reject me, I'm about to poop my pants."
This will communicate to her, he's a
consummate gimp. Women feel no attraction
for gimps. They feel attraction toward men
who are a Prize they've gotta win over.
Okay. I think I've convinced you of how
wretched this belief is. How it will pound any
future opportunities with beautiful women into
But you might be having second thoughts.
Maybe you're not fully convinced. So I'm
gonna rewind and go back to my original train
of thought: "The belief that women don't like
to be hit on is crap." If this belief ever crossed
paths with the Food & Drug Administration
they'd stamp it with an official FDA seal saying:
"100% Certified B.S."
Why do you think women spend so much time
- sometimes hours - primping and preening
themselves to go out to nightclubs and bars?
Because they want to be hit on.
There's a school of thought, though, that says:
"Women don't dress up for men; they do it for
other women."
I think there's a grain of truth here but what
this means is that women dress up to compete
with other women for male attention. For male
validation. In other words, one of the reasons
women put time into primping and preening
themselves is to compete for who gets hit on
the most by men.
Many a woman will never explicitly admit she
enjoys men hitting on her. If she did, she'd
risk other women perceiving her as being at
the top of the Slut-O-Meter. Or, even worse,
people thinking she's a power hungry rhymes-
with-witch. Wanting to be hit on is one of
women's dirty little secrets.
Think of those stupid, gossip magazines - such
as, Enquire and Star. Almost everyone talks
about how stupid these publications are and
claims to have never picked one up. This is
If most people didn't read them, their
circulation wouldn't be so widespread.
The lurid reality is this: Most of us can't wait
to get our dirty little paws all over these
magazines while standing in line at the
supermarket. A lot of us have too much pride
to admit it. But almost all of us get picked up
by our lapels and sucked into the contents of
these papers.
Same holds true with women. Most women
claim, they hate when guys hit on them. But
most women love it. They can't get enough of
it. But they'll never admit it. It's their dirty
little secret.
When you make no apologies for hitting on a
woman and convey the belief that by YOU
hitting on her you're doing her a favor, it lets
her know she's dealing with a real man who's a
Prize she has to win over.
If YOU believe women want and love to be hit
on, you're half way to massive success with
women. All you've gotta do is learn the right
way to hit on women.
You could go out and experiment. And if you're
willing to put in a lot of work, you probably
will become successful with women. But it's
going to be a lot of work.
Or you could take the shortcut by cracking
open my brain and hijacking all of my secrets
that took me years of hard work and
experimenting to discover. In just a few
minutes YOU could start mastering these
secrets, allowing you to leap over years of hard
work and start experiencing the success you
want to have with women.
You're still gonna have to put in some work.
But truckloads less than if you didn't have
these secrets. I wish I had access to this info
when I was starting out. Click here to get your
hands on the tools you need to start living
your dream life with women.
being hit on - or do they loath it?
If YOU know in your heart-of-hearts women
enjoy it - maybe even love it - you're well on
your way to experiencing massive success with
da ladies. If you've got the belief, though, that
women find men hitting on them more
annoying than nails against a chalk board
you're in big trouble.
But DON'T worry, my friend, because you're in
the same position most men are.
Many a man believes women hate to be hit on
- and rightfully so. If you, for example,
frequent the bar or club scene you've probably
overheard groups of women yapping away
about how they fear and loath men hitting on
them. But if this were so, women would wear
shower curtains to bars and nightclubs. But
they don't. They wear skimpy little outfits to
maximize the amount of male attention they
I'm gonna return to this train of thought in a
moment. But before I do, I want to shed some
serious light on why believing women don't like
to be hit on is akin to sentencing your penis to
life in prison with no chance of parole. No
hope of him ever vacationing in that warm,
cuddly place he enjoys dancing into the wee
hours of the morning to that old Digital
Underground song "Do The Humpty Hump."
The only love he's gonna get is from Bubba's
nether regions.
Having this belief will cause a man to fear and
loath hitting on women. He'll, for example,
think to himself: "If I approach a woman she'll
see me as an insidious little vermin she wants
shunted from her reality."
If he does get up the gall to approach a
woman, he's gonna have scrawled across his
forehead in permanent red ink: "I'm so scared
you'll reject me, I'm about to poop my pants."
This will communicate to her, he's a
consummate gimp. Women feel no attraction
for gimps. They feel attraction toward men
who are a Prize they've gotta win over.
Okay. I think I've convinced you of how
wretched this belief is. How it will pound any
future opportunities with beautiful women into
But you might be having second thoughts.
Maybe you're not fully convinced. So I'm
gonna rewind and go back to my original train
of thought: "The belief that women don't like
to be hit on is crap." If this belief ever crossed
paths with the Food & Drug Administration
they'd stamp it with an official FDA seal saying:
"100% Certified B.S."
Why do you think women spend so much time
- sometimes hours - primping and preening
themselves to go out to nightclubs and bars?
Because they want to be hit on.
There's a school of thought, though, that says:
"Women don't dress up for men; they do it for
other women."
I think there's a grain of truth here but what
this means is that women dress up to compete
with other women for male attention. For male
validation. In other words, one of the reasons
women put time into primping and preening
themselves is to compete for who gets hit on
the most by men.
Many a woman will never explicitly admit she
enjoys men hitting on her. If she did, she'd
risk other women perceiving her as being at
the top of the Slut-O-Meter. Or, even worse,
people thinking she's a power hungry rhymes-
with-witch. Wanting to be hit on is one of
women's dirty little secrets.
Think of those stupid, gossip magazines - such
as, Enquire and Star. Almost everyone talks
about how stupid these publications are and
claims to have never picked one up. This is
If most people didn't read them, their
circulation wouldn't be so widespread.
The lurid reality is this: Most of us can't wait
to get our dirty little paws all over these
magazines while standing in line at the
supermarket. A lot of us have too much pride
to admit it. But almost all of us get picked up
by our lapels and sucked into the contents of
these papers.
Same holds true with women. Most women
claim, they hate when guys hit on them. But
most women love it. They can't get enough of
it. But they'll never admit it. It's their dirty
little secret.
When you make no apologies for hitting on a
woman and convey the belief that by YOU
hitting on her you're doing her a favor, it lets
her know she's dealing with a real man who's a
Prize she has to win over.
If YOU believe women want and love to be hit
on, you're half way to massive success with
women. All you've gotta do is learn the right
way to hit on women.
You could go out and experiment. And if you're
willing to put in a lot of work, you probably
will become successful with women. But it's
going to be a lot of work.
Or you could take the shortcut by cracking
open my brain and hijacking all of my secrets
that took me years of hard work and
experimenting to discover. In just a few
minutes YOU could start mastering these
secrets, allowing you to leap over years of hard
work and start experiencing the success you
want to have with women.
You're still gonna have to put in some work.
But truckloads less than if you didn't have
these secrets. I wish I had access to this info
when I was starting out. Click here to get your
hands on the tools you need to start living
your dream life with women.