shocking video :Highschool video showing boys waiting in turns to bang one girl, What are these kids watching!!
Damn! If you’re a parent of adolescents, you really don’t want to see this… if you do, you’ll either thank me for posting the disturbing footage or curse me for waking you up to modern day reality.
No matter how you react, its obvious that the end is nigh! And parents with hormonal children like these surely do have their parenting work cut out. This outrageously disgusting video shows students believed to be from a Kenyan school filming themselves bonking on campus.Students having sex in school is hardly new but the footage you’re about to see is on a different level because its nothing short of a “gang bang” as several guys line up and take turns with the same girl who remains bent over. While the first guy is at it, you can spot the hand of the next guy on the queue waiting for his turn.Students having sex in school is hardly new but the footage you’re about to see is on a different level because its nothing short of a “gang bang” as several guys line up and take turns with the same girl who remains bent over. While the first guy is at it, you can spot the hand of the next guy on the queue waiting for his turn.Unfortunately the video ends after the second guy takes over from the first so we lose count of how many guys actually rode that “Public Bicycle” of a girl…
Now, I hate to imagine if that was to be my teenage daughter