Monday 14 July 2014

Kenya daily post




Experts have described blogging as a mixture  of both science and art so any blogger is unique in his own way and copying another blogger work won’t get you anyway in this business if you want to be successful. It’s up to you to find your unique niche and do your best at it and you will for sure excel. In blogging there is no “right way” to approach it and it’s up to every blogger to find is own style and unique way to do it.
Blogging experts have shared tips which every beginner must know. These tips will prove to be very important to all blogger including seasoned ones. Read them carefully and make short notes if you need to. These tips will determine whether you will be a successful blogger or not. Am going to share with you 16 blogging tips from very successful bloggers all over the world. Here are the tips. Read them carefully make sure you understand this tips.

As a blogger you must always have a connection with your audience. Know what most of you audience love reading and always update them with it. Understanding your audience is the most important aspect to every blogger. The best way to understand your audience is by getting ideas from them. The best way of doing this is creating a questioner blog and get them answer questions about what they love reading. This way you will get ideas from them therefore understanding what topics to update them with. Also read through your audience comments or reviews to see their feedback and take note of what they are always requesting. A great technique of doing this is social media mainly Facebook and twitter.

To be a successful writer you must write with the notion in your head that nobody else will read your work. This will give you the motivation and the work ethic to write more thus increasing the amount of content you will share with your audience. Writing for yourself will also reduce the pressure to write which may sometimes lead to stress thus reducing creativity since you write because you have to but when you are writing for yourself you will always write when relaxed thus the quality of your work will be very high.

Your readers are the most valuable part in a blogging. Without your readers your blog will have no value so as a blogger love your readers and always value them. The most suicidal mistake most bloggers do is looking for new readers while ignoring the existing ones which in turn lead to losing most of the existing readers. As a blogger build the existing readers first and always update them and you will be surprised that with them your audience will increase and you will have new readers without even looking for them.

A catchy headline will always attract readers. No matter how create your content is no one will bother to read your work if the headline is a boring phrase. Always ensure your headline does not give your audience option to click or not to click. With a catchy headline users will always click. Catchy headline will also determine If user will share your work or not so as a blogger always make sure that your headline is attractive.

As a blogger you don’t have to be too professional or write “big words”  just be yourself and you will enjoy  what you are doing. Trying to use “big words” might sometimes confuse your audience since some users might not know the meaning of some of the words used thus ending up not understanding what you are saying. As a blogger just be simple, concise and always be on point and your readers will have an amazing experience while reading your work this will make them to always return to read more.

Research has shown that bloggers who update their blogs consistently have a higer subscribers compared to those who don’t. As a blogger always look for new content for your readers because to keep them you must always give them more. Always remember that its much easier to lose tour traffic than to build them.

Success does not come in a silver platter. To be a successful blogger you must spend your valuable time and money on it. Let’s face it you will not be a successful blogger overnight .Blogging takes time and patience. If you want to be a famous blogger overnight I can only advice you to quit now. As for the money you will have to be patient. Remember hard work pays so just work hard without thinking about the money and very soon you will get your pay back.

Am sure there are a lot of tips. Look for them also. These I have given you are the most basic ones as a beginner always use them. Hope you have learned something new from this article. If you need more updates just subscribe via email.

Kenya daily post

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