Satanism and Mind Control in the Music Industry

However: I am perfectly aware that the music industry is evil. That 'big wigs' are often members of satanic societies etc. and that many of the artists that they push on society are manipulated into progressing a satanic agenda. It is not just 'artistic' for people to sing about pain, suffering, death, sadness, despair etc. - who would want to taint the beautiful art of music with such things? It is actually an essential aspect to the degeneration of music and the lowering of consciousness. This works in the same vein as movies and television: they have evolved into excessively depressing/violent experiences for the viewer. You will notice, so often, that 'rock and roll' today is excessively depressing, they call this 'emo' but it goes into all forms of rock, from heavy metal, to hard rock, to progressive etc. Even fun rock music, the likes of which people will party to all night: is riddled with overt satanic and occult lyrics.
Even more interesting, an untold number of artists have spoken literally about handing over their souls (their conscience or spiritually 'good' personalities) to the machinations of the devil. Many of our well known rock artists are studied in the occult and are aware that spiritual entities and multidimensional 'demons' can manifest themself through music of a lower vibrational nautre. They have admitted that they use rock music and the rythms, the lower gutteral tones, and the insidious lyrics to LOWER the vibration of concerts, listeners, etc. They have admitted countless times (Jim Morrison being the most well known) that they are possessed by the music and have little control over where these vibrations lead them. This is typical of almost any satanic 'ritual' or practice - the lowering of consciousness and allowing lower vibrational entities to control a person. These practices often go completely out of control, and if anyone remembers the last woodstock, it was well known to the people there that a bad energy had manifested itself throughout the crowd following hours of extremely heavy, depressive and violent songs.
This information comes from many sources, there are dozens of books written on the subject and dozens of well known artists who have been 'exposed.' Regardless: the idea that rock music is a tool of the 'devil' has been pushed so hard by evangelicals etc. that people are more likely to LAUGH at the idea, rather than take it seriously. Never the less - well known musicians are often reported admitting to satanism, their friends or colleagues often mention that they have multiple personalities and 'who you see on stage is not that person'. etc.
Frankly, I have known for a long time that rock/pop music has become a degenerative art form. Some musicians take it to a higher vibration, but the music industry has actually brought it much MUCH lower by enforcing popularity for the 'heaviest' bands or the most emotionally depressing artists. The hard rock you hear today is a magnitude of times darker and more depressing than Led Zeppelin and other well known devil-rockers of the past, (and these bands were considered the epitomy of evil by the religious right). Heavy metal has become something of a demonic tour de force and many people revel in this fact, openly flaunting it. It is a devolution of society and the art of music for the purpose of LOWERING the vibration of consciousness.
Many artists were aware of this. Some became aware of the fact that they had been manipulated by the music industry, or began to recollect memories of their brainwashing etc. either through the military or through 'handlers' who often happened to be their manager. These are the artists we know to have so famously died by 'drug overdose' etc. These artists have confided in individuals before their death who would later relay this information to those interested in what's going on behind the scenes in the music industry.
This is a touchy subject for me, because the deeper I delve, the more I realize that the 'greats' are often occultists with exceptional talent who are intentionally using that talent to manipulate the consciousness of listeners. This is a touchy subject for me because while great music makes me shiver and makes me feel as if my spirit is rising, I can acutely sense that 'modern' music, or modern heavy metal/hard rock/pop music is most DEFINITELY lowering peoples consciousness and dragging down their spirits."